We now offer weeknight in-person gatherings on the first and third Monday evenings of the month at CREATE Portage County’s IDEA Center in Stevens Point. For location information, click HERE. Check our CALENDAR and UPCOMING WEEKNIGHT SERVICES for dates and service descriptions.

The gatherings have the following format:

  • 5:30 – 6:15 pm Spiritual Service – structured worship including songs, readings, focused meditations and a sermon by Rev. Jim
  • 6:30 – 7:00 pm Fellowship potluck
  • 7:00 – 8:00 pm Adult and teen programming. Adults are invited to participate in a facilitated discussion grounded in thought provoking questions on our values, while teens focus on supporting each other and learning to live out our values in daily life.

Our programming is based on the “Soul Matters” curriculum, an in depth exploration of monthly themes, that invite us to think more deeply on our Unitarian Universalist values and explore their potential to shape us and in turn shape the world. Materials will be emailed/printed out for attendees.

Feel free to attend one, two or all three parts of the Fellowship Gathering. We understand that families and individuals have busy schedules so please don’t hesitate to attend for part of the evening.