Weeknights at the Fellowship

We now hold weeknight gatherings 2 Mondays per month at CREATE Portage County (1039 Ellis Street, Stevens Point). The program includes religious exploration programs for both adults and youth. Check our calendar for dates.

Chalice Circles

The Point offers a inter-fellowship virtual only Chalice Circle for adults.

Chalice Circles are groups of 8 to 10 people who meet once a month September through June under the guidance of 1-2 trained facilitators. They are a great way to further spiritual growth as well as to connect with others at a very deep level in a supportive and nurturing space.

The program is based on the same monthly themes used for Sunday services and the Children’s Religious Exploration program. Each month, participants receive a packet that includes spiritual practices, questions to ponder, and optional resources such as readings, podcasts, and short videos. Each participant chooses one theme-related spiritual exercise and near the end of the month meets with their circle to listen to the experiences of other members and share their own.  All circles run under a covenant that includes confidentiality and uninterrupted listening.